Proctorial Board
KCNIT has a Proctorial Board where administration of student related matters pertaining to all acts of indiscipline are delegated to the Proctorial Board. KCNIT Proctorial Board is chiefly responsible for ensuring that rules and regulations framed by the Institute are being followed by the students.
Some specific responsibilities of the Proctorial Board are as follows:
- To maintain discipline in the Institute; ensure Institute rules are understood and followed;
- To keep an eye on the general moral behavior of the students
- To prevent the student from indulging in any political activities on Institute premises.
Cases of indiscipline or indecent behavior of any student, cases of individual/ group harassment, threats, manhandling etc. are dealt strictly by the Proctorial Board.
Chief Proctor is assisted by additional proctors and all HODs will be the default members of the Proctorial board and will have a deciding role if students involved are of their departments.
The Proctorial board will have at least one lady member other than HODs and will be the chairman of the committee for enquiry against sexual harassment, Eve-teasing or disrespectful behavior or any misbehavior with a girl student.
The Proctorial Board of KCNIT comprises following members.